A Proxy for each Internet user! The future!

What a proxy is as a tool? is it a war or a life assisting tool?

The Internet is a reflection of the real world, and the world in general can at times be a war-zone but is more of a heaven. A proxy basically is an assisting tool to the warrior of Internet. We can give it a shape of a Squid or of a Katana, but the tool by itself is there to help. And despite to the fact that in the science fiction and fantasy world the image of such a tool might be one, the truth is that it can take multiple forms. Also not every Internet warrior needs the same tools as another. Some needs raw Internet while others needs a more digested one, based on the age and experience.

Compared to the first human which god have created, we are engaging the world in a much higher level then raw basic input and output. And since we are at about the 6k year since this world creation, we have an embedded proxy in each and one of us. Every pair of parents shares with the kids some amount of tools. Yes this tool of war which helps us to digest raw Internet Input and Output.
A wise man once told me “Your tongue  has lots of power, do not do harm!” and I was wondering to myself couple years about this fact.
I knew that we have power in our words but compared to the raw hardware we are in a much higher level. We all have a proxy embedded inside of us and this is a fact. Now the question which stands in-front of  every Internet user and admin is whether he wants to utilize this tool as an assisting glass to the lower levels of the Internet and build the next and higher level, or to harm what is already there.

Little by little in life we discover our proxy powers and we can choose to either take these into our hands and to do good, or to use these powers in a way that will shame our form as a creation of a much better world. Yes, despite to what many non-experienced kids say we have a a very good foundation but we need to maintain it.
